
This is a reading that is meant to be kept for the long haul, and referred back to frequently (I’ve been in seasons where I use mine weekly) as a reference guide, map and a support, and is intended to help you grow in your own intuition and faith. This is not a quickie reading, but something that is meant to be consistently used and held onto long term.

Often the analytical mind will try to tell you that knowing your future and surrendering to the present moment are two opposing concepts. That is not the case, and it’s also not how the algorithm of the universe works. Remember the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt? Moses was told that they were headed to “a land flowing with milk and honey” (Canaan.) Moses was given general albeit sensationalistic instructions for beginning the journey to Canaan, and was expected to have faith that he would arrive at that destination. Along the way he periodically received communication from within that gave him messages that required faith and observance to trust that the resources needed were being provided while continuing to trust the process and live within the present moment. The universe wants you to know that fate and destiny work hand in hand with your co-creation. Predestination and free will are two sides of the same coin. The most difficult part of having faith is learning to surrender all expectations of how things will come together.

What will I receive?

Part 1: The first section focuses on any messages you are meant to hear right now. These messages come from a space of Love (with a capitol L - meaning Source), wisdom and discernment as we pull from your The Akashic Records (The All that Is). This part is done as an audio recording.

Part 2: This is the section where you receive “landmarks,” clues and answers for the near future. This clarity on your future will often come in the form of straight forward answers, stories, lines of prose, astrological markers, symbols, and even songs. They’ll confirm themselves in interesting ways as your path unfolds. The messages received are often more concrete and literal than they may seem. They’re like finding sea glass on the sand because we’re asking the tides, “what are you bringing in for me?” These messages Spirit brings forward are the perfect antidote as you move into the unknown. It is suggested to refer back to them frequently as you make your way - they tend to bring forward reassurance, solidity, faith in the universe and increase your own intuition as they unfold. It is suggested to send in up to five questions you’d like to receive these “landmarks or messages for.” Note that these “messages” will often not make sense immediately, and will not come with a story attached to “make them make sense” in the present moment, as they are meant to be recognized over time. This part is done via pdf doc.

Part 3: I pull cards. They’re not interpreted like other readings, because that would kind of go against the entire point of this reading. You will know as you go. They will satiate you when they’re meant to, and they absolutely will. This is recorded via image.

Part 4: This is where I calculate what type of year you’re currently in and what’s coming for you in the next few years based on your nine year and 18 year cycles. We will also go over your nodal transits in your astrology chart with this (birth time and location is required for the nodal transits.) This part is done via audio & pdf.


This reading is highly recommended for those who have some experience on a spiritual path already or have recently received the “Akashic Self” reading. However, unlike The Akashic Self reading which requires no information from you (other than astrological), this reading allows you to send in “situations” that you want messages or “landmarks” for (though it’s not necessary). 

For instance, sample questions could look like: “I want to know more about what it will be like when I move” or “I want to know how the next three years will feel for my family.” You can send no information at all and you will still receive messages, or you are welcome to send whatever information feels right to you, though the more information you send, the more clarity you may feel when you receive the messages for each situation. If you send less info or no info, you will likely watch how the previously foggy aspects of your life slowly become more illuminated and you feel steadier in the unfolding process. There is no right or wrong way. (No health or legal questions).

You will receive this reading within 72 hours of your booking date.

Upon purchasing and scheduling this reading, you will automatically receive an intake form to fill out where you can include as little or as much information as you wish to be included in your reading.

Energy exchange: $425 USD

Questions before purchasing that are not covered here? Feel free to reach out to: theluckystar@cloakedcathedral.com


see all reviews here

Every session is meant to do three things:

  • Hold a safe space in a way you may not receive from those around you. 

  • Let you know that you are seen, heard, and recognized by me, the Divine, the universe and your guides. You are absolutely not alone.

  • Shed light on what’s unseen or unclear, and give you clarity and direction. 

What are you paying for?

You’re paying for a specialist with a refined viewpoint.

  • I see what is at the root holistically, without group loyalty, in order to find the underlying truth without bias.

  • My expertise is in discernment, de-conditioning, and seeing what is hidden and true with evidence.

  • I guide individuals and teams toward the most authentic, efficient, and successful outcome, with tens of thousands of hours of consultations, readings, and guidance sessions acquired.

  • I am a master of systems. I see where the distribution of energy and resources is being wasted and how it can be audited in order to work on the most efficient level with the maximum benefit to all.

  • I am an analyst and teacher. I translate the complexities of the unseen, energy, human behavior, and the nature of reality in a way that is practical, grounded, and accessible.

  • I have specializations in:

    transformational guidance, consciousness, human behavior and mechanics, channeling the unseen with evidence, auditing energy investment in individuals and teams, de-conditioning the mind, dogma deconstruction, meditation, The Akashic Records, astrology, Human Design, psychic mediumship, divination, Biblical studies, evolutionary parenting, entrepreneurship, project management, art directing, design, and creative non-fiction, copy writing, and fiction.

  • You are paying for sessions with someone who has weathered many storms, and has a deep empathy and non-judgement for wherever you are in your journey. You are also paying for someone who is emotionally mature, rooted in love and neutrality, and whose motivation is for all to grow, heal, and have peace of mind.

This is not for you if:

You’re needing the help of a licensed clinician. The services in these sessions are not a substitute for therapy or a doctor’s care. If you are dealing with mental health issues please make sure you’re under the care of a licensed clinician. Additionally, these sessions may not be for you:

If you are currently dealing with active addictions. 
If you have a tendency to ignore truth and run from vulnerability.
If you’re looking for someone to do your inner work for you.
If you’re unwilling to grow and evolve.
If you’re closed minded and dogmatic.
If you’re looking for a quick fix to life’s obstacles and problems.
If you are under the age of 21.
If you are needing health or legal questions looked at.

If you’re currently experiencing suicidal ideation, dial 988 within the United States for 24/7 support.
Click HERE for worldwide crisis hotline support

Legal disclaimer:

“​​The information presented on this website is solely for information purposes. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. We do not provide medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice through this website and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. It is your responsibility to seek advice from a licensed professional. Any actions you take are done at your own risk. We try to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, but there may be mistakes, errors, or omissions. We are not responsible for any damages caused by errors, omissions, or mistakes on our website.”