- who you are
- why you are here
- what is coming toward you

Fire up that internal search engine,

have problems solved with evidential answers in minutes,

increase your faith,

have less resistance,

receive clarity on your life

purpose and path.

The evidential method is


You are your own best guide

  • Did you know you have an internal search engine, one that has the capabilities to be more accurate and farther ahead in time than any external search engine?

  • Instant GPS level data on personal life issues, what is around you, and what’s coming within minutes

  • Answers that are proven evident as you observe their unfolding (This is meant in a concrete way, no hyperbole here)

  • Answers to the everyday 3D survival needs, desires and to the BIG universal questions in minutes

  • You don’t need to feel stuck or trapped in the mind, you have an inner well that has every answer you need

This course is inherently practical at its foundation and is meant to aid you in:

- making the highest and best choices for yourself and others
- managing resources & seeing hidden opportunities
- knowing who you are, how you work, and what your path & purpose is on an individual level
- receiving clarity, assurance, and accurate answers
- knowing what to do in any number of life decisions
in minutes

This is a prescription for survival and individualized success

Here you will be prepared to find answers within yourself that are evidential, efficient, and lead you along a path of inner peace

The Method:

The CC intuitive method is based in Buddhist philosophy, and the scientific method. It also borrows loosely from Plato’s theory of Anamnesis, and Carl Jung’s collective unconscious. It is taught through the lens of the Akashic Records, Human Design, and the direct knowledge that was dictated to SZ Audrey. 

It was created by SZ Audrey, who received a cellular level, supernatural awakening and instructions on how to awaken others, teach them their power, and interrupt and interpret the systems that are imprisoning our collective consciousness. SZ has been practicing this method with evidence for six years. Read more about SZ here.

This method is intended to give users the ability to access internal wisdom and properly discern for themselves the answers to life's questions, at an individual and universal level with evidence in the quickest amount of time.

This is the moment in history we need these skills the most.

Centuries of conditioning and homogenization have left the majority of the collective without awareness, making them highly vulnerable to outside manipulation.

In the last few years the amount of false or distorted information has grown via the internet and social media and will continue to snowball with the progression of AI. 

Many are also waking up to the fact that traditional forms of media are inherently biased, motivated by advertising dollars, censored, and owned by massive corporate interests.

With Uranus moving into Gemini in 2025 until 2032 reliance on exterior sources and institutions for the correct information will become increasingly difficult. It’s imperative to understand how to use the mind as a tool to inner authority, and become familiar with the subtle, peaceful voice within that always communicates in a way that is simple and true.

What’s Covered?

  • How to receive evidential messages you need in minutes

  • The heavy hitters: no expectations, inner-knowing, and discernment

  • The Akashic Records (The All That Is) - initiation and skills

  • The truth about channeling and cellular level downloads (how to, skills, and seen through the eyes of artists, religion, and history)

  • Discernment vs. Judgment

  • Protection - an in-depth how to

  • Shadow Work - releasing old stories and projections

  • Inner identity - life’s mission and trusting oneself 

  • The marriage of surrendering to the present & knowing what’s ahead 

  • The energy of the universe and what senses you use to receive transmissions 

  • How to read for yourself and others 

  • Learning how you were uniquely designed and why you’re here

  • How to make the wisest decisions for you as an individual

  • How to follow your unique inner authority and relegate the mind to the passenger seat

  • Past lives (and how to view them if they come up even if you’re not a believer)

  • Remote viewing and asking the big questions 

  • Trusting source, the universe, God, guides in an insecure world 

  • How to use your inner knowing & raise your frequency in times of peak anxiety 

  • How to see through people

  • How to meet your guides/guardians and other beings - and why it’s extremely practical

  • Interpreting dreams and how to know which dreams are meaningful and why

  • House cleansing as a how-to and a metaphor for life

  • The three question method to receive accurate mediumship 

  • Real practice reading other people

  • Group and one to one mentorship

  • And more…

Note: Does this mean your life will suddenly become perfect? No, but it will become a lot more interesting, layered, and full. It also means that when you encounter life’s inevitable storms or desert moments, you have the skills to not only endure them and help others do the same, but to find the messages that provide sustenance and lead you toward your true north with the least resistance. 

Another bonus is, you’ll begin to have faith that is built on past evidence and experience which means it becomes easier and easier for you to truly let go and surrender when you’re in moments that feel like a dense fog.

I want these skills, but I am skeptical

I would be too. Many guides, (including myself at one time), give and receive messages that are filtered through a mind that is heavily conditioned and quick to imprint it’s own expectations. This type of reading style is archetypically masculine in form and based on story telling. This way of receiving and interpretation will always be hit or miss.

Receiving evidential answers from within is highly feminine in nature (feminine as an archetype), there is a refinement that is needed in order to receive in a way that does not immediately measure, quantify, and create a story, but instead receives from a level of observation and keen awareness. When this occurs with precision we see the answers to our questions delivered with accuracy, as if we were a bystander. This method works at amazing levels for almost anything.

You can also read about our philosophy on skepticism HERE or checkout our reviews HERE or ask questions HERE


Limited space. Make sure you’re apart of the cohort.

Class begins: SOON! TBA - more to come. 

Questions? Ask here: theluckystar@cloakedcathedral.com 

    Above: A few days after my astral experience & breakthroughs

Personal story:

Several years ago, due to a series of unfortunate events, my family and I were suddenly and unexpectedly left without income. After months of going after many leads and “practical” solutions only to hit brick wall after brick wall, I decided to turn my attention to what would be considered impractical. 

Due to the supernatural cellular awakening that had happened to me years before (“happened to me” is the correct term, because I was anything but seeking it) I had enough solid experience in evidential intuition and real ‘magic’ to seek answers in the unknown. 

When I used my intuitive method to receive an answer for my situation, I was oddly instructed to buy a smoking pipe. My initial reaction was “ok, well I suppose I’m meant to start smoking a pipe. Maybe it’s the calming practice that will decrease my stress and allow the answer to come.” 

I told my former partner, who collected antique pipes that I may start smoking with him. Later that week I had an appointment with my functional medicine doctor who had me on a strict protocol for autoimmune issues. 

When I mentioned the idea of smoking to decrease stress her answer was “absolutely not.” I was confused at why I would have received the message of the pipe in relation to finances if it wasn’t actually useful. (As I had a few years at that time under my belt of following my internal messages with 3D evidence.)

I told my former partner, “never mind about the pipe.” 

He says, “I had already ordered you one as a surprise.” 

I felt bad that I wouldn’t be able to use the thoughtful gift. 

He replies, “well, regardless I’m glad I ordered it. The most random thing happened. A day after I purchased it, I wrote to the company to ask a question about the order. I ended up receiving an email back from the owner of the shop. He saw my website in my email signature and visited it. He wants me to work for them from home.” 

The job that was offered ended up being the highest paying he’s ever had. There was also a strange and beautiful opportunity for me that showed up similarly at this time that I came to using another one of the methods I teach in this course.

Also during this same period I was shown the months that more financial breakthroughs would occur and had an astral experience similar to an NDE that changed my frequency in such a way that was able to lose all anxiety and have extreme faith that what I had seen would come to pass, as it did. 

Here are the other occurrences that came through using the methods I teach in the course:

  • I was able to heal 2.5 years of intense chronic pain (after going to several doctors and utilizing alternative therapy without relief) in one week. 

  • I was able to find out accurate dates with precision for when things would be occurring in my life years into the future (that have already happened and were accurate.) 

  • I was shown a strange and unlikely route to make excess income that appeared on the surface like it would never work, and ended up making more than I could have thought possible within 4 months. 

  • I was able to see massive world events several months ahead of time, and correctly access how it would affect my community and how to move forward before hand 

  • I was able to accurately interpret the details of a close friend’s death and crime scene (after her visitation) and answer questions for her family I didn’t know had been asked previously

  • I was able to sell my home at the perfect time with the craziest circumstances at play in the most magical way 

  • I was able to save several friends from making poor investments

  • I was able to save my own life from an invisible medical emergency

  • I was able to see the truth behind several breaking news stories and it has proven true over time, every time.  

  • I used this knowledge to move to my perfect location (not astrogeography- this is an intuition course, but we can talk about astrogeography and why it works and is also not the preferred method to use when moving.) 

  • I was able to foresee two dangerous situations for my children ahead of time and either avoid one of them altogether or see that the overall outcome would be safe for them and not over-react when it occurred 

  • I am able to see the proper business steps to take ahead of time that will bring me quick growth and avoid excessive trial and error

  • I was able to read other people’s true intentions beneath their mask and act accordingly 

  • I was able to astral travel and enter into a completely surrendered vibration and frequency in a time of crisis and intense anxiety 

  • I was able to interpret dreams (and know the dreams worth interpreting) that were giving me prophetic promises regarding my own and other’s futures 

  • I was able to know who I am in the grand scheme of things and trust my inner voice

  • I was able to read for others and teach them how to read for themselves (which is SO much better.)

  • I was able to foresee the multiple near death experiences of a family member before they occurred, and see that they were absolutely fated and that they would survive

  • Find instant answers to everyday decisions like, “should I meet up with this person” to “what is the best thing for the kids to do over the summer so I can work?”

  • I was able to predict that my house would flood 12 hours before closing and receive compensation

How do people not know they can receive the answers to everyday questions in moments?

Oftentimes, we think of “ourselves” as our waking mind. 

Our opinions, experiences, and the conditioning we’ve taken in from outside sources. But that’s not really us, that’s just our selective programming, which is mutative at best. Our waking minds are subject to our environments and the current collective’s rumblings which are limited in perspective. 

The you that jumps to conclusions, has ‘beliefs,’ and views the world through a particular lens, is not actually the REAL you. That’s your avatar who has been forced to process and digest everything that’s thrown your way and is doing the best it knows how. That’s not where you’re meant to get your information or your truth from. 

When you release the knee jerk reactions, the opinions, and social conditioning and learn to embrace a truly open and discerning mind, you can have access to the answers to almost everything. 

Even in the spiritual community the idea of “the future” and “intuition” is frequently seen as nebulous, mutable, and immeasurable. While this is partially true, the assumptions that are made around that statement are what become untrue. You can ABSOLUTELY receive the answers you need, you just need to become aware of the how-to, release your knee-jerk reactions, and understand the way to inquire that makes all the difference. 

Why do you insist the universe is not a conscious intelligence when it gave birth to conscious intelligence’s?”

― Cicero 44 BCE

What are you paying for?

You’re paying for a specialist with a refined viewpoint.

  • I see what is at the root holistically, without group loyalty, in order to find the underlying truth without bias.

  • My expertise is in discernment, de-conditioning, and seeing what is hidden and true with evidence.

  • I guide individuals and teams toward the most authentic, efficient, and successful outcome, with tens of thousands of hours of consultations, readings, and guidance sessions acquired.

  • I am a master of systems. I see where the distribution of energy and resources is being wasted and how it can be audited in order to work on the most efficient level with the maximum benefit to all.

  • I am an analyst and teacher. I translate the complexities of the unseen, energy, human behavior, and the nature of reality in a way that is practical, grounded, and accessible.

  • I have specializations in:

    transformational guidance, consciousness, human behavior and mechanics, channeling the unseen with evidence, auditing energy investment in individuals and teams, de-conditioning the mind, dogma deconstruction, meditation, The Akashic Records, astrology, Human Design, psychic mediumship, divination, Biblical studies, evolutionary parenting, entrepreneurship, project management, art directing, design, and creative non-fiction, copy writing, and fiction.

  • You are paying for sessions with someone who has weathered many storms, and has a deep empathy and non-judgement for wherever you are in your journey. You are also paying for someone who is emotionally mature, rooted in love and neutrality, and whose motivation is for all to grow, heal, and have peace of mind.

This is not for you if:

You’re needing the help of a licensed clinician. The services in these sessions are not a substitute for a doctor’s care. If you are dealing with mental health issues please make sure you’re under the care of a licensed clinician. Additionally, these sessions may not be for you:

If you are currently dealing with active addictions. 
If you have a tendency to ignore truth and run from vulnerability.
If you’re looking for someone to do your inner work for you.
If you’re unwilling to grow and evolve.
If you’re closed minded and dogmatic.
If you’re looking for a quick fix to life’s obstacles and problems.
If you are under the age of 21.
If you are needing health or legal questions looked at.

If you’re currently experiencing suicidal ideation, dial 988 within the United States for 24/7 support.
Click HERE for worldwide crisis hotline support.

Legal disclaimer:

“​​The information presented on this website is solely for information purposes. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of this information. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. We do not provide medical, legal, financial, or other professional advice through this website and we are not responsible for any errors or omissions. It is your responsibility to seek advice from a licensed professional. Any actions you take are done at your own risk. We try to ensure the accuracy of information on this website, but there may be mistakes, errors, or omissions. We are not responsible for any damages caused by errors, omissions, or mistakes on our website.”